About Us

Pennie and me originally started back in 2020 pretty spontaneously - I made some polymer clay tags for my dogs and shared them on my Instagram page. A stranger messaged me asking where she could buy them for her dogs, and I offered to make them some. I then realized I wasn't the only one drooling over the beautiful tags available abroad and started selling the clay tags.

My dream was to make metal tags in beautiful hand stamped designs and I started collecting the necessary tools and started selling them too.

When we moved from the Garden Route to Cape Town in winter 2021, the shop had to take a back seat for a while. Now, one year later, we have sorted out all the kinks and are ready to get going again!

While we don't offer clay tags anymore, I am very excited to introduce our brand new colour tags. I have spent months drawing and designing tags, trying to get everything just right for our very important four-legged customers.

We hope you like our tags as much as we do. Each one is hand made with a lot of love and sent off with anticipation.